Thursday, September 2, 2010

My Me Time

Time has been such a fulfilling experience for me lately,
managing personal Time, family, creative Time etc...
you all know how it is!!!
The important thing I know about Time is that all the Time spent should be Good Times.
To make the most of every moment!
so I took some me Time and made this delightful display of my daughter art work
which I enjoy each Time I enter our home
and then I took the Time to dance.
Dancing has become
such an important part of my life.
Fresh breath brings Fresh Flow into Fresh Ideas and a Very important Fresh Attitude!
Bring on the new Day!!!
Blessing out to you all
and I hope are your Me moments are Delightful!


  1. A delightful post full of festive art and words!

  2. Thanks Lori, just dancing away the day here!
    My favorite part of a good dance is the spinning!!! Round & Round It really inspires Festivity!!! ;)

  3. 'Me' time is important! have fun!

